Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Who Says?!? nail polish has to match. I was messing around testing out some colors trying to see which one to use. When I decided I liked the color combo I had going on. Reminds my of the Sunset drink @ Roscoe's Chicken & waffles.... if you don't know what I'm talking I feel sorry for you. You're missing out! Back to my manicure. Sorry it looks so messy I wasn't planning on keeping it. Luckily (or maybe unluckily) my manicures don't last long because of work so perfection isn't necessary.

In case your curious about the colors
(left to right)
pointer: essie - geranium
middle: essie - e-nuf is e-nuf
ring: revlon - siren
Thumb & pinky: essie- sand tropez

My sister and I love our nail polish. She loves her designs & I love my colors. For bright colors I like the vibrancy of essie polishes. For the darker colors I love my OPI. I've never purchased any polish at full retail price. Ulta coupons are our friends, $5 off $10 is my best friend. Nail supply stores have great mark-downs or cheap alternatives.