Sunday, September 23, 2012

An itch I'm tryna reach

As I sit here fawning over episodes of old Gossip Girl (I blame Netflix) I realize I want so much more from life. So much more doesn't mean the life of a bored overly dramatic rich socialite. I am jealous over the fact that they live in New York & their continent hopping ways. Although after actually visiting New York this past summer I've realized much like the glamourized town of Los Angeles... New York doesn't look so romantic at the ground below. I still love it.. here's a secret my favorite scenes from Gossip Girl are the scenic shots of the city whether it be a sunrise or the city skyline. Where does this rant all lead too?

They say when you write ideas out you're more likely to accomplish them.

- Travel More: England, France, Switzerland, New Orleans, NYC, Boston, Chicago, Italy, Greece..... okay the list can go on and on.

- Start a business: My bf is really pushing me to chase this dream of mine

- Finish Furniture: I have a garage full of furniture to be sanded primed & paint. We've been sitting on this stuff for over a year.... and they have yet to be touched. No time like the present

- Lose Weight: I need to be healthier point blank.

I think a list of four items is a good way to start. I wouldn't want to overwhelm myself